
ned Netherlands
Rifle Main
Current Team

Rik “Ve1nzo” Zwegers started playing CSGO with IRL friends in 2015 but he didn’t like it at first. He gave it another go and this time really enjoyed playing so he grinded to global and started playing 10mans and faceit.


Rik has been to a few Dutch Lan events with friends and had fun playing and being apart of the community. He never really really thought about playing in a team/competitive because of his love for  football and other IRL things, but he started playing more team cs when lockdown hit and he had serious amounts of time logged into CSGO.


He went from open to main in 2 seasons and kept improving with different people around him, eventually sticking with the core of our current team for almost a year and ready for more, they recently placed 2nd in Epic.Lan 40 in October 2023.

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